Damn it's Muggid Outside...Humanly

Muggid - Adj. The presence of so much heat and moisture in the air that it becomes a combination of muggy and humid. Muggid. So, what does the presence of oppressive heat and moisture have to do with humanity? Have you ever walked outside and been slapped in the face by a handful of muggid? It’s like mud that coats you from head to toe. No matter what you do you can’t get away from it. It’s always surrounding you to the point of affecting a slight claustrophobia. Right now, that’s what the world, more closely, this country, feels like.

You can’t go outside of your own experience without being slapped in the face with so many examples of unabashed hatred and human muggidity. So many block individuality with, “If you don’t fall in lock-step with my ideals exactly the way I believe, then I hate you.” It goes that extreme. Hate.

Hate is dangerous. Hate leads to justification. I observed a video yesterday of people surrounding some restaurant patrons screaming at them to raise their fist in solidarity to whatever their s’cause was, or else. Aggressive. Threatening. Or else. It’s that OR ELSE that allows for the justification to seat into the soul of the aggressor and then to action. They walk away after they explode their hatred at their target and feel not just justified, but righteous.

If we can’t learn that black or white or whatever compartmentalization that we choose to lay on people, to take each other at a one-at-a-time basis, this will never get better. We’ll destroy our civilization. There are truly evil people out there. People that only care about power. They don’t care about love. They don’t care about anything outside of getting theirs. I promise you, those people are such a small portion of the population. Those are the ones that hold the ideals that you, whoever you are, so despise. Everyone else is somewhere in the middle and are, in general, decent people who are just trying to live and god-willing, do better for themselves and their family. They, the middle, don’t have anything against you or your ideal. If you’d just take time to talk instead of shout, you’d find people on all sides are with love and not hate.

We need to step back and start taking care of each other. If we don’t, we’re going to suffocate each other in a blanket of muggid that will drown us all.